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Ballistic Vs Non-Ballistic Glass: The Differences You Need To Know

If you’re in the market for new windows, you may be wondering what the difference is between ballistic and non-ballistic glass. Both types of glass have their benefits and drawbacks, so it’s important to understand each before investing in this key security product.

Ballistic glass is made with layers of strong, tempered glass. It is designed to resist shattering and protect against high-impact projectiles, such as bullets or rocks. Non-ballistic glass is not tempered and is, therefore, less strong than ballistic glass. Some types may be shatterproof but are unlikely to withstand a projectile impact. If that’s what you’re looking for then you should opt for ballistic glass.

Another difference between ballistic and non-ballistic glass is the price. Ballistic glass is more expensive than non-ballistic glass because it is stronger and more durable.

Secured by Design

Ballistic glass falls within the Secured by Design category of security solutions. This police-backed initiative recognises products that have been designed to meet the highest levels of security. If you’re looking for a product that has undergone rigorous testing, ballistic glass is a good option.

In addition to SBD status, there are two European certification standards for ballistics. These refer to the classification of resistance to attack by bullets:

  • EN 1063 – tests on glass during the construction (security glazing)
  • EN 1522-1523 – test on security products including windows, doors, shutters, and blinds.

Before committing to ballistic glass investment, make sure the product you’re purchasing meets these stringent classifications.

Why is ballistic glass important?

There are a number of reasons why ballistic glass is important. First, it can protect you and any other occupants from injury in the event of a projectile attack. Second, it can help protect your property from damage. And third, it can help deter criminals from targeting your home or business if they know the building is impenetrable by ballistics.

What types of buildings need ballistic glass?

As unpleasant as it is, the truth is, any building at risk of being attacked by projectiles may need ballistic glass. So, any domestic or commercial building with superior security requirements should consider this product. As an example, schools, financial institutions, government buildings, police stations, bank vaults, and even celebrity residences can benefit from ballistic glass products. Panic rooms within the interior of a property may use ballistic glass too.

What types of buildings might use non-ballistic glass?

Non-ballistic glass is often used in less risky environments, such as residential homes and small businesses. It is not as strong as ballistic glass, so it is not recommended for use in high-risk areas.

As the cost of non-ballistic glass is more affordable than ballistic glass, it is a good option for buildings that don’t require the same level of security.

If you have any questions about ballistic vs non-ballistic glass, or you’re not sure which type of glass is right for you, get in touch with a professional ballistic glass provider to help you understand your options.

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